Personal Stories

Sgt James A Reeve

Sgt James A Reeve


Lieutenant Colonel CED Walwyn



Personal Stories

Transcript of letter from Lt. Col. Charles Walwyn to Mrs J Reeve on 13th October 1944 regarding the injuries received by Sgt James A Reeve during action at Frontier Hill [Pt 2940] Burma on 10th Oct 1944.

Lieutenant Colonel CED Walwyn,

4th Bn. The Nigeria Regt.,

South East Asia Command

13th Oct. 44.

My dear Mrs Reeve

I am very sorry to have to tell you that your husband has been wounded, but I am pleased to be able to say that it is NOT really serious and that his injury is NOT likely to affect him permanently.

The wounds on his arm and on his back should be all right in a short time.  The one on his leg has unfortunately broken a bone, but so far four doctors have examined it and they all agree it will mend in time.

Your husband is a very brave man and you must be proud of him.  He was an inspiration to his men.  This is NOT idle talk it’s a fact.  These African soldiers are funny chaps.  If they have good leadership by white Officers and NCO’s they are magnificent.  In this particular battle they were magnificent and the credit for that goes to your husband.

I sincerely hope that he gets the decoration for which I’ve recommended him.

Please don’t worry about him.  He will get first class medical attention and the worst part of his journey is over – bringing him off a mountain 2940 ft high.

You have one consolation – he won’t have to fight again in this war.

Yours very sincerely

Charles Walwyn



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