
VJ Day 2020

Posted on 23rd Apr 2020 by Sarah Gray

Due to the current Coronavirus crisis the Royal British Legion has decided to cancel their plans for VE Day commemoration. They have sent out the following message about VJ Day 2020: “Please be reassured that the RBL remains committed to the s …

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Our Response to the Covid-19 Situation

Posted on 23rd Apr 2020 by Sarah Gray

The Trustees and HQ staff hope all our Burma Star Association members and your families are taking care and staying safe in these times of uncertainty. Following HMG’s announcement about travel restrictions and limiting movement the Headquarters …

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Missing but hopefully soon to be found…

Posted on 23rd Apr 2020 by Sarah Gray

We are delighted to launch our archive collection on this website. You can browse all of the back copies of Dekho!, the journal of the Burma Star Association. Our archive collection is, however, missing issue number 9 of Dekho! which was published …

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